2024. 11. 18 ~ 11. 20
Sungjin Lim, who is the Ph.D. Candidate in our research group, was selected as a winner for the "Best Dialogue Award at the 22nd Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference which was held at JeJu of South Korea.
2024. 10. 13 ~ 10. 20
Our research team of perception and control for self-driving system had visited and presented their researches at 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS) at Abu Dhabi in UAE.
2024. 8. 16
Our research was invited by the Purdue University. The title of this talk was
"Audacious Trials toward Challenges of Adverse Weather Conditions for Autonomous Driving: Deep Learning-based Perception and Control".At this talk, many questions and feedback were discussed to improve the performances of perception and tracking control for self-driving car in the presence of adverse weather challenges.
2023. 11. 11
Our study, Evaluation of Forward/Downward View Camera-Based Lane Detection and Integrated Autonomous Driving Control System” was selected as "outstanding paper presentation award" at the Fall Conference in Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea (IEMEK) which was held at Jeju in 2023.
2023. 7. 17-18
Advanced Intelligent Mobility Research Group (AIM-RG) including ASCL had visited KIRO in Korea.
2023. 7. 4-7
Our research team of perception and control for self-driving system had visited and presented their researches at 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems held on Suwon in Korea.
2023. 6. 18-23
Our research team of perception for self-driving system (Hyunjae Jeon and Junghyun Seo) had visited and presented their researches at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) held on London in UK.
2023. 5. 28-6.2
Two research members (Taesoo Kim and Sungjin Lim) had visited and presented their researches at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) held on London in UK.
2023. 5. 23-26
Our research team of perception and control for autonomous vehicle had visited on KSAE spring conference held at Pyungchang in Korea.
2022. 5.22-24
Our research team had visited on 37th ICROS research conference held at Geoje in Korea.
2023. 5. 2
Advanced Intelligent Mobility Research Group (AIM-RG) including ASCL had climbed Biseul Mt. nearby DGIST in Korea.
2022. 5. 19-21
Our research team had visited on Korea Automotive Safety Association (KASA) Spring Conference held at Yangyang in Korea.
2021. 10. 27-29
Our research team had visited on 36th ICROS research conference held at Yeosu in Korea.
2021. 9. 6
Prof. Yongseob Lim was selected as the winner of outstanding teaching award at DGIST in 2021.
2021. 6. 24
Our research, Fast lane Detection Algorithm by Using Real-Time Image Processing, was selected as the winner of outstanding research award at ICROS in 2021.
2021. 2. 26
Our study, autonomous vehicle based smart campus development, was selected as the winner of outstanding award on UGRP in 2021.
2020. 10. 28 ~ 10. 31
Joining International Student Vehicle Competition for Self-Driving and winning on 1st place for writing technical reporter among about 30 universities in Korea. I am so proud of my undergraduate students for their wonderful accomplishment.
My lovely undergraduate students CCW from the left back (Unfortunately just five one attended due COVID-19) - Seunggi Lee, Minjong Kim, Jungsang Ryu, Hyeonjin Bae, Me, Geonhee Sim.
2019. 11. 07~08
Participating and having the presentation on 2019 Korea Auto-Vehicle Safety Associate Autumn Conference held at Jeju iland in Korea. They had pretty great job!!
My lovely undergraduate students on the picture as followed form the left side - Junkyu Cho, Junho Jeong, Gwanhyeong Koo, Jungpyeong Hwang, Kyuyeol Park, Hyoseung Choi, Yeongung Kim, Doyeon Choi.
2019. 09. 07
Joining International Student Vehicle Competition for Self-Driving and winning on 4th position among 15 universities in Korea. I am so proud of my students wonderful accomplishment. They have achieved great job!!
My lovely undergraduate students on 3rd picture as followed form the left side - Yeongung Kim, Minho Oh, Kyuyeol Park, Bokyung Cha, Doyeon Choi, Junho Jeong, Inhwan Bae, Gwanhyeong Koo, Yoenghoo Kim, Hyoseung Choi, Jungpyeong Hwang, Gwanjun Shin, Junkyu Cho, Taekyung Kim
2018. 04.19 ~ 04. 22
Participating 3rd International Conference on Engineering Science and Innovative Technology held at JW Marriot Khaolak, Thailand with undergraduate students who were involvoving UGRP program.
My lovely undergraduate students from Left side - Sunjae Yoon (now in Kaist), Kyounsik Shin (now in DGIST), Chaejin Lee (now in LG), Youngjun Cho (now in DGIST), Me and Professor Gyeungho Choi.